TOP 10 Essential Oils For Allergies + Recipes & Application Tips

From ancient times till today, essential oils are in use to treat humans in a very natural way. Anxiety, aches, pains, acne, skin diseases and allergies can be well taken care of with the help of different essential oils. Essential oils for allergies are basically highly concentrated non-water soluble chemicals that are obtained from nature. With the passing of time, the new generation has lost some of the wisdom of our previous generation about the ability to cure illness with the help of natural solutions.
Essential oils, being extremely potent with having no adverse effect, has gained a lot of popularity in recent times. They are composed of very small molecules that penetrate within our cells and have a tremendous healing power. This article is an ultimate guide about using essential oils for allergies with effective recipes and application tips. As usual, the information given here is scientifically proven. 

1. Understanding How to Fight Allergies

In an allergic reaction, the immune system triggers a fight against intruders (allergens). The mast cells then release a substance called histamine which causes many symptoms of allergy. So, to fight allergy, you will have to manage to reduce or neutralize histamine. In our body, it is the liver that take care of it by secreting natural antihistamine substances.
However, when the liver is overworked and clogged, a series of health problems ensue, including allergies. A detox and liver drainage cure is a good way to start treating the problem. It will allow the body to be able to combat allergies. On the other hand if the drainage is not sufficient then doctors prescribe anti-allergic drugs. These drugs fall into 3 categories:

  • Antihistamines: They block the receptors to histamine and limit or even suppress the classic symptoms of allergy such as runny nose or red and irritated eyes.
  • Decongestants: They fight against an allergic rhinitis for example (hay fever)
  • Corticosteroids: Nasal corticosteroids are the most effective drugs in the treatment of seasonal allergies.

However, these drugs have several side effects, the most common being:

  • Bleeding
  • Risk of hypertension, especially for cortisol
  • Gastric effects
  • Increased risk of infection
  • Effects on the bones (decrease in the calcium content or rigidity)
  • Skin (finer)
  • Effect on growth
  • Cushing’s syndrome
High-quality essential oils are produced without chemicals and are extracted from organic plants and herbs that grow in their natural environment. These essential oils have much less serious side effects than drugs. Some essential oils are known for their antiallergic properties, others are known to strengthen the body’s resistance and immunity against allergies.
These essential oils  have a compound that acts like antihistamines, which is the main substance to fight allergies. Some essential oils act directly on the liver to drain and give it its tonicity, others act as detoxifiers and regenerating liver.
On the other hand, it is known that mental well-being is fundamental for physiological equilibrium. In the case of allergies, we note in particular that the manifestations are often exacerbated during periods of stress or anxiety. There is a whole panoply of essential oils to fight the stress and anxiety, and we have already written a topic about this subject here.

For these reasons, the use of natural remedies, and especially those based on essential oils for allergies, is preferred to treat so-called ‘not complex’ allergies. This is what we will illustrate in the next sections.

2. How Essential Oils for Allergies Work?

  • When you apply one or a mixture of essential oils for allergies on your skin, you are actually making use of the antihistamines present in the oil. The antihistamines are clinically known to cure the allergies.
  • Some allergies in humans are caused by the skin being sensitive to certain elements of the nature and surroundings which include dirt, pollen, pollution and material like raw cotton and asbestos. Essential oils for allergies calm down this sensitivity or at least reduce the effect of the sensitivity.
  • Essential oils for allergies also help with many other issues other than allergies. For example, some essential oils relaxe your mind while there are few that help in severe conditions like cancer. All you need to know is the purpose and application of the essential oil you are going to use.

3. Top 10 Essential Oils For Allergies

All the essential oils for allergies contain compounds that have a unique healing power and benefits. Let’s talk about some of the most popular and effective essential oils for allergies (based on clinical studies) and how we should use them.

3.1) Tansy Essential Oil

Tansy essential oil

The annual Tansy or Tanaisie (Tanacetum annuum), also called Blue Chamomile, is an annual perennial plant of yellow color. It is one of these very powerful essential oils with several therapeutic properties, including:

  • Powerful antihistamine: It reduces sneezing, runny nose and tingling eyes. The allergic episodes will therefore be less frequent and less troublesome.
  • Antipruritic: This essential oil is opposed to the itching (pruritus) thanks in particular to its antihistamine action.
  • Phlebotonic: It increases the tonicity of the venous walls and improves the circulation of the blood in the organism, which helps to increase the respiratory amplitude.
  • Anti-inflammatory: It limits the redness and the sensations of heat resulting from the immune response of the organism (inflammation) against an external aggression. It is renowned for fighting against eczema and burns.
  • Relaxing, calming, sedative: It has a relaxing action on the nervous system which will decrease the states of anxiety and promote sleep.

These powerful properties make it one of the most effective essential oils for allergy. This oil is very effective in soothing the following discomforts:

  • Asthma attacks, emphysema,
  • Skin and seasonal allergies, all inflammations of the skin (irritative and allergic dermatitis), itching (allergic pruritus), redness (erythema),
  • Couperose, tuberculoid leprosy,
  • Venous congestions, varicose veins, phlebitis, hypertension,
  • Arthritis, rheumatism, tendonitis, neuritis, sciatica,
Our Selection For You:


3.2) Peppermint Essential Oil

peppermint essential oil

Peppermint essential oil is prepared from Mentha Piperita herb that belongs to the Labiatae family and has been used since the times when Greeks and Roman Empire was getting flourished. This oil is known for its strong, fresh and minty aroma and works like a wonder to cure some health problems. It has a breast-relieving, soothing, and anti-inflammatory properties that come handy when treating patients with painful conditions.

The essential oil of Peppermint acts as a decongestant and relieves the symptoms of allergy. It also has compounds (menthol) with anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and antibacterial properties that inhibit allergic reactions.
In addition, it is widely used in the treatment of respiratory tract infections and also to reduce the symptoms of a common cold.
But in external use, Peppermint has much more diverse interests than by internal means; It helps to treat certain skin irritations such as shingles, hives, eczema, acne, chicken pox, insect bites, etc.

In case you have sensitive skin, it is highly recommended to dilute it in a carrier oil of your choice (almond oil for example). Due to the presence of the mint aroma, Peppermint essential oil can boost your energy on a hot, sunny day.

Our Selection For You:

3.3) Lavender Essential Oil

lavender essential oil

It is one of the most versatile and appreciated essential oils. If you only had one handy, it would definitely be this one. It is very useful to treat a wide variety of problems, it is widely used in aromatherapy and is used in numerous treatments (massage oils, gels, infusions, lotions, soaps, etc.).
Lavender essential oil works as a natural antihistamine; It is antibacterial and finds its use in different areas. It also works perfect for the health benefits and possesses an ability to eliminate nervous tension, insomnia, depression, and restlessness. Suitable to soothe skin conditions, Lavender essential oil acts against skin burns, sores, eczema, pruritus, pressure sores and couperose. 

In addition, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, Lavender essential oil is highly recommended (see this study) in several different cases of pulmonary inflammations or respiratory viral diseases such as rhino-pharyngitis, throat infections, coughs, nasal infections and colds, sinusitis and even asthma (except in a crisis).

To treat respiratory tract disorders and conditions, Lavender oil is used by inhalation, fumigation or even massaging the chest and back with dilution in a carrier oil.

Our Selection For You:

3.4) Chamomile Essential Oil

chamomile essential oil

There are several types of Chamomile among them the noble Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum) and the German Chamomile (Matricaria Chamomilla). These two types are the most well-known and their essential oils have the following properties (see this study):

  • Antispasmodic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antihistamine
  • Regulator
  • Soothing
  • Sedative
  • Analgesic
  • Effective in treating certain disorders of the central nervous system
  • Helps to fight against certain nervous spasms

Scientific research has recently approved Chamomile as a therapeutic agent promoting human health. Thanks to these properties, the essential oil of Chamomile is unavoidable in the relief of several health problems such as:

  • Intestinal parasites
  • Allergies, eczema
  • Migraines, dental pain
  • Itching
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Asthma, thyroid imbalance, epiphysis

About allergies, the essential oil of German Chamomile is often used in a steam bath so that its components will directly affect the mucous membranes of the nose and bronchi, thus providing direct bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. In infusion, it is taken to warm and to calm the cough. In addition, due to its antihistamine properties, it is used to heal allergic rhinitis and respiratory problems that occur during asthma. For external use, Chamomile is very effective in treating the following discomforts:

  • Contact dermatitis
  • Skin infections (bacterial or fungal)
  • Skin inflammation, pruritus
  • Healing wounds, burns, ulcers
  • Insect bites
  • Parasites, lice
  • Acne
Our Selection For You:

3.5) Eucalyptus Essential Oil

eucalyptus essential oil

The health benefits of Eucalyptus essential oil are wide-ranging, and its properties include antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and other therapeutic properties. Due to its richness in cineole, it fluidifies the secretions of the bronchial mucous and relieves the respiratory membranes inflamed by the inhaled allergens, so the allergic or bronchial person can better expectorate and this helps reduce the symptoms of allergies.

The World Health Organization even recognizes the traditional use of Eucalyptus to relieve the fever and symptoms of asthma, inflammation of the respiratory tract, bronchi or throat as well as to relieve rheumatic pains.

There are everywhere pharmaceutical preparations based on Eucalyptus essential oil such as ointments, syrups, tablets and vaporizers to fight respiratory tract infections, mouthwashes or toothpastes to prevent inflammation of the mouth, liniments for relieving rheumatic pains, etc.
This oil is most effective when used in a steam inhalation. It can also be used in air diffusion to fight against mites.

Our Selection For You:

3.6) Tea Tree Essential Oil

tea tree essential oil

Tea Tree known as Melaleuca, is known for its antiseptic properties and its ability to treat wounds.
The Tea Tree proves its effectiveness for hundreds of years. Already used by aborigines in Australia, the Tea Tree has a strong anti-inflammatory power. It is this property of the essential oil that will act on the plates, mitigate the itching then redness to end up getting rid of bacteria that cause acne, eczema and other allergic skin issues.

In addition, this oil is stimulating for the immune system, anti-infectious, anti-viral, and protects the skin against burns (see this study).
A joint study by Australian and American researchers has reported that the oil has a significant active terpene component (30 to 50%) that can help to cure many bacterial diseases and even cancer.

Our Selection For You:

3.7) Basil Essential Oil

basil essential oil

Basil is considered to be part of the herbs which is appreciated and used as a seasoning. It is generally consumed in small quantities which allows it to bring certain nutrients to the body.

A German study shows that Basil increases the antibody production by 20%. Rich in antioxidants and camphor, essential oil of Basil is known to have virtues to alleviate problems of the digestive system. Moreover, thanks to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, this oil promotes decongestion and cures the respiratory problems; It is effective against colds, flu and helps calm down discomforts such as asthma, bronchitis as it clears the airways. It can also be used as a cough treatment, calming sore throat and relieving oral infections.

In external use, and due to its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, and also to its richness in vitamins A and C, Basil essential oil can be used to limit the growth of bacteria that cause skin infections ( Acne), curing bites, and also to treat the several other skin problems caused by allergies.

Our Selection For You:

3.8) Lemon Essential Oil

lemon essential oil

It is one of the most used essential oils. It is harmless and can be used without problems in pregnant and lactating women and also in children from 12 months. This oil is a must have in the home kit of essential oils.

Antiseptic, antiviral, anti-infectious, antibacterial, tonic, depurative, slimming, blood thinning, alkalizing, remineralizing, Lemon essential oil finds its importance in a lot of places. It is sourced from one of the most popular citrus fruits in the world and is a good source of vitamins and aids in digestion.
Lemon essential oil can be very helpful in combating seasonal allergies and asthma attacks. It acts indirectly because it helps the body increasing its immune defense and hence preventing allergic tracts and respiratory issues.
Widely used in cosmetics, Lemon essential oil is known to be an excellent skin tonic; It softens and tones the epidermis by contracting the tissues and gives a fresher, brighter skin appearance. Its slightly discolouring action helps to correct the pigmentation defects of the skin. It is also recommended for the care of hands and brittle nails and many other skin issues like allergic rhinitis (see this study).
Our Selection For You:

3.9) Black Seed Essential Oil

Black seed oilNigella oil or Black Seed (Nigella sativa), extracted from cold seeds, is particularly rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. These acids strengthen natural defenses and alleviate allergies. Black seeds are used as ordinary cumin or pepper.
Black seed oil is an age-old remedy with modern uses for heart attacks, skin problems, cancer, eczema, and much more. Other potential health benefits include prevention of kidney damage associated with diabetes, prevents post-surgical adhesions, prevents brain pathology, kills leukaemia cells and even helps in preventing oral cancer cells.
The beneficial effects of Black seed are not yet all scientifically known to date. But according to a study in the Munich Institute for Researched on Newer Therapeutic Methods, Black seed contains more than 100 types of active agent that help curing many health issues. In many other studies we found that Black seed helps to treat symptoms of several types of allergies such as allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, and atopic eczema (see this study
In another study conducted by Dr. Peter Schleicher, for four to six months prior to the start of the pollen season, 600 patients had taken one to two grams of Black seed oil every day. The result was that 70% of the patients no longer had allergy symptoms. As for the others, the daily dose of Black seed had at least made it possible to reduce their symptoms appreciably.
So, If you are allergic, don’t forget this oil which is one of the most effective essential oils for allergies.

Our Selection For You:

3.10) Tarragon Essential Oil

tarragon essential oil

French Tarragon herb (Artemisia dracunculus) is a unique mix of sweet aniseed and intense vanilla. This herb supports wellness and can be used to enhance the flavor of sour recipes.
The essential oil of Tarragon has the following therapeutic properties:

  • Digestive and aperitif stimulant
  • Pain killer
  • Neuro-muscular antispasmodic
  • Anti-viral
  • Hypo-allergenic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Modern research has also discovered anti-histamine properties

Essential oil of Tarragon is particularly indicated in case of respiratory allergies, such as hay fever, allergic asthma, spasmodic coughs, etc.

Due to the presence of estragole this oil is highly poisonous. Hence, it should not be taken by children’s under 6 or by pregnant women.

Our Selection For You:

4. Effective Recipes of Essential Oils for Allergies + Application Tips

Recipe 01 : Swallow

For Respiratory allergy crisis
   – 1 drop of Basil essential oil 
   – 4 drops of vegetable oil (Olive oil) 
      or a spoon of honey
How to use?
Mix well and swallow every 6 hours. 6 drops maximum per day. Compatible with allopathic treatment.

Recipe 02 : Direct inhalation

For Allergic Rhinitis
  – 5 drops of Basil essential oil
  – 5 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil
  – 3 drops of Roman Chamomile essential
  – 1 Teaspoon of  Organic Vegetable Oil
How to use?
Pour the essential oils into a flask and add the vegetable oil.
Apply at the base of the nose and on the sinuses during the crisis period.
Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.

Recipe 03 : Diffusion

For Seasonal Allergies (Rhinitis…)
  – 50 drops of Peppermint essential oil
  – 50 drops of Eucalyptus Essential oil
  – 50 drops of Lemon essential

How to use?
Pour these essential oils into an amber flask and mix.
Diffuse 20 drops of this mixture in a diffuser of essential oils in living rooms 3 times 20 min per day.

Recipe 04 : Massage

For Seasonal Allergies (Rhinitis…)
  – 30 drops of Annual Tansy essential oil
  – 10 drops of Lavender Essential oil
  – 15 drops of Eucalyptus Essential oil
  – 2 teaspoons of Argan vegetable oil
How to use?
Apply 10 drops of this mixture to the forearm, 2 to 3 times per day for 7-10 days. Repeat if you feel the symptoms of allergy again. You can use, in addition, this recipe with the diffusion mentionned before.
Not recommended for pregnant, nursing mothers and children under 6 years of age.

Recipe 05 : Topical application

For Seasonal Allergies (for adults)
   – 50 drops of Chamomile essential oil
   – 20 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil
   – 20 drops of Lavender essential oil  
   – 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil of Macadamia
How to use?
Mix the oils in a glass dropper bottle (for better conservation).
Apply 20 drops of the mixture on the chest or forearm, 4 to 6 times a day for 48 to 72 hours. To be renewed if necessary.
After the crisis and to prevent recurrence or prevention during a period of risk (pollen season) use this antihistamine mixture over one to two months.

Recipe 06 : Topical application

For Seasonal Allergies (for children 10 to 15 years)  
   – 50 drops of Chamomile essential oil
   – 20 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil
   – 20 drops of Lavender essential oil  
   – 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil of Macadamia
How to use?
Mix the oils in a glass dropper bottle (for better conservation).
Apply 20 drops of the mixture on the chest or forearm, 4 to 6 times a day for 48 to 72 hours. To be renewed if necessary.
After the crisis and to prevent recurrence or prevention during a period of risk (pollen season) use this antihistamine mixture over one to two months.

Recipe 07 : Topical application

For Skin Allergies (for adults)
   – 35 drops of Chamomile essential oil
   – 10 drops of Lavender essential or essential oil of Patchouli
   – 2 Teaspoon of Jojoba oil
How to use?
Mix the oils in a glass dropper bottle
Apply 20 drops of the mixture to the reactive zones, 4 to 6 times a day for 48 to 72 hours. To be renewed if necessary.
Fight against the allergic reaction and inflammation in general in the body and accentuating a local anti-inflammatory action.

Recipe 08 : Topical application

For Skin Allergies (for children)
   – 10 drops of Chamomile essential oil
   – 5 drops of Lavender essential or essential oil of Patchouli
   – 2 Teaspoon of Jojoba oil
How to use?
Mix the oils in a glass dropper bottle.
Apply 20 drops of the mixture to the reactive zones, 4 to 6 times a day for 48 to 72 hours. To be renewed if necessary.

5. Daily Tips and Recommendations to Fight and Prevent Allergies


While we cannot completely avoid nature during the season of allergies, well there are certain tips and recommendations we can follow to avoid and prevent allergies:

  • Climate your home and car:
    This is the ideal solution to mitigate the effects of pollen. Air conditioning can also help eliminate the reactions caused by two other allergens: mold and dust mites. Keep your windows closed while sleeping and putting the AC on can help in boosting immunity and prevent from unwanted allergies
  • Invest in a good Air Purifier:
    Air purifiers eliminate a number of particles in the air, but they can also let circulate others. However, these devices are effective in removing pollen from the air. So do not hesitate to invest in a good air purification device.
  • Get an Air Dryer (Dehumidifier):
    Air purifiers purify air from particles but do not control the problem of dust mites. Mites survive very poorly when the humidity is less than 45%. So if you suffer from allegy due to mites then it is advisable to invest in a device that dries out the air.
  • Clean damp locations:
    Use special fungicides in damp locations such as bathrooms or basements. This has the effect of eliminating mold.
  • Isolate your pets:
    As much as you like to cuddle your family pet, it is suggested by experts to skip it. Cuddling with pets can result in causing sniffles, even to nonallergic persons. Another advice is to prohibit access for these animals to certain place of your house like the bedroom for example. Remember that it is enough for a cat to walk around a room once a week to maintain a person’s allergic reactions.
  • Adapt your home:
    Get rid of the carpet because the carpets are mold promoting, they retain animal hair, dust, pollen and also it is the ideal place of dust mites. Instead, buy small carpets, pillows and bolsters made of synthetic material, preferably anti mites.
  • Finding proper treatment in case of allergy:
    Once you feel sneezy with watery eyes and itchiness persisting all throughout your body, finding a proper treatment without delay is a must. It is also recommended to try high-quality probiotic that mainly strains specific for balancing immune system reactions. Using the right type of essential oils can also help in preventing allergies with the prior advice of doctors.
  • Avoid insect bites:
    If you have ever suffered from an insect bite, it is very important to take precautions and minimize the risk. It is necessary to cover yourself whenever you are planning to go outdoor, especially during the summers.
  • Manage your stress:
    Extra stress can cause a misbalance in your immune system. It may even cause extra fatigue and adrenal exhaustion. Thus managing your stress levels can be very helpful to prevent yourself from diseases.
  • Finally, the best way to prevent allergies is to avoid the substance that you are allergic to.
It has been very difficult for some of us to find natural remedies to cure allergies and other seasonal diseases. It is highly recommended before trying out an essential oil, one must spend their time to see what is effective. If a type of essential oils for allergies makes things worse it should be eliminated and proper medical action must be taken.

Find more details about allergies in this article:


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